Obituary for S.G. (Seg) Hove
Seg Hove passed away Saturday, March 10, 2007, in Altus after 99 years of living for others. Seg was born in 1907, a few months before Oklahoma became a state, in a dugout near Olustee. He lived most all his life in Jackson County, attending school at Grandview, Prairie Hill and Duke. Seg graduated from Oklahoma A & M with a degree in Education and held teaching positions in Fieldton, Texas and Prairie Hill before becoming a teacher and coach at /altus Junior High in 1935. His football team never lost a game. He was principal of Wilson Elementary School, now named the eg Hove Center, for thirty-seven years, until his retirement in 1972. During his teaching career, he only missed one day to have his tonsils removed.
At Wilson, "Mr. Hove" was mentor to thousands of children and a father figure to many. He believed in the doctrine of starting children off right in the formative years. Anywhere around Altus, he was likely to be noticed and spoken to by his former pupils, and he welcomed the chance to talk to his beloved students. He was loved and respected by all. As one lady told it "Mr Hove treated us just like everyone else. He never showed favorites. We ere all equally important to him".
Before and after retirement, Seg was active in many service and volunteer organizations focused on working with children. He worked with the Altus Boy Scouts of America for 35 years and as a Director in children's Sunday School classed at the First Baptist Church. Seg volunteered with the Oklahoma Lung Association for 40 years and was on their State Board of Directors. He served as Chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board.
After joining the Kiwanis Club in 1938, he became a loyal member and willing volunteer. He was very active in Travelogue ticket sales, broom sales, and Safety Town. He was President in 1973-1974 and had over 35 years of perfect attendance. he exemplified the Kiwanis theme of :Light Up a Life".
Seg performed extensive work at the Museum of the Western Prairie restoring antique farm machinery. He served many years on the Museum's Board of Directors, and was made "Honorary Curator of Farming Tools and Machinery" by the Oklahoma Historical Society.
In addition to teaching and volunteering, Seg farmed the land that he grew up on. His parents immigrated to the United States from Norway.
In 1934, he and Edna Johnson were united in marriage. They spent 67 years holding hands and looking out at the world together before her death in 2001. He is survived by two children, Larry Hove of Fort Worth and Karen Hove Howard of Ponca City. Larry is married to Betty Murrell Hove, formerly of Altus; thry have two children, Jennifer and Eric Hove. Karen's husband is Bob Howard; their children are Jay Howard and Bree Moseley. Great grandchildren are Emily and Porter Moseley, Riley and Cole Hove, Conor Seg and Devon Kilkenny and Ella Howard.
11:00 AM
Lowell-Tims Chapel
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Seg Hove passed away Saturday, March 10, 2007, in Altus after 99 years of living for others. Seg was born in 1907, a few months before Oklahoma became a state, in a dugout near Olustee. He lived most all his life in Jackson County, attending school at Grandview, Prairie Hill and Duke. Seg graduated from Oklahoma A & M with a degree in Education and held teaching positions in Fieldton, Texas and Prairie Hill before becoming a teacher and coach at /altus Junior High in 1935. His football team never lost a game. He was principal of Wilson Elementary School, now named the eg Hove Center, for thirty-seven years, until his retirement in 1972. During his teaching career, he only missed one day to have his tonsils removed.
At Wilson, "Mr. Hove" was mentor to thousands of children and a father figure to many. He believed in the doctrine of starting children off right in the formative years. Anywhere around Altus, he was likely to be noticed and spoken to by his former pupils, and he welcomed the chance to talk to his beloved students. He was loved and respected by all. As one lady told it "Mr Hove treated us just like everyone else. He never showed favorites. We ere all equally important to him".
Before and after retirement, Seg was active in many service and volunteer organizations focused on working with children. He worked with the Altus Boy Scouts of America for 35 years and as a Director in children's Sunday School classed at the First Baptist Church. Seg volunteered with the Oklahoma Lung Association for 40 years and was on their State Board of Directors. He served as Chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board.
After joining the Kiwanis Club in 1938, he became a loyal member and willing volunteer. He was very active in Travelogue ticket sales, broom sales, and Safety Town. He was President in 1973-1974 and had over 35 years of perfect attendance. he exemplified the Kiwanis theme of :Light Up a Life".
Seg performed extensive work at the Museum of the Western Prairie restoring antique farm machinery. He served many years on the Museum's Board of Directors, and was made "Honorary Curator of Farming Tools and Machinery" by the Oklahoma Historical Society.
In addition to teaching and volunteering, Seg farmed the land that he grew up on. His parents immigrated to the United States from Norway.
In 1934, he and Edna Johnson were united in marriage. They spent 67 years holding hands and looking out at the world together before her death in 2001. He is survived by two children, Larry Hove of Fort Worth and Karen Hove Howard of Ponca City. Larry is married to Betty Murrell Hove, formerly of Altus; thry have two children, Jennifer and Eric Hove. Karen's husband is Bob Howard; their children are Jay Howard and Bree Moseley. Great grandchildren are Emily and Porter Moseley, Riley and Cole Hove, Conor Seg and Devon Kilkenny and Ella Howard.
11:00 AM
Lowell-Tims Chapel
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